Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tomorrow's the Big Day

So, tomorrow I meet 2 of my three classes of students for this school year. I think I am finally ready for them: copies done, paperwork ready, SmartBoard files created and saved... I'm going to try to head to bed early since I need to get up incredibly early tomorrow morning.

One questions remains...do I tell my students I'm expecting a baby or leave them in suspense for awhile? ;)

1 comment:

  1. Now I am just annoyed...I have tried to post a comment multiple times and now I don't see the one I left yesterday! So I repeat...super excited to keep up with you and my new niece. Hopefully this will help it not feel like you live a million miles away! Miss you a ton...except now that it is three days later than when I said that the first time I miss you like three tons!
