Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend Fun!

Well, I spent two weekends in a row in Morton - the first for a baby shower with many Central Illinois family and friends and the second attending some Pumpkin Festival festivities and my nephew's 1st birthday party. Both were wonderful weekends, but I think I'll try to stay home for awhile to rest up after all the traveling. :)

I felt really blessed at my 1st baby shower (and really hot and sweaty while trying to open presents...this whole pregnancy thing surprises me sometimes as I used to always be cold). Tony and I received so many wonderful gifts from family and friends as we prepare to welcome our little baby to the world. I've been too overwhelmed by the generosity to even put any of it away yet. It's all just sitting in the nursery waiting for organization.

This past weekend's highlights were definitely pumpkin ice cream (thanks mom!) and celebrating George's birthday. It's hard to believe that he's already a year old. I still remember when he was born, so small and fragile looking. He's definitely grown and changed a lot. He's such an amazing little guy (probably because he has such great parents). Hopefully he and our little one will enjoy being cousins as they grow up! :) I'll leave you with a picture of George and the awesome tractor that Uncle Tony built for him.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! The boy is serious about his tractors - and his ice cream. Awesome picture. Love it.
